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Elisha Ben-Yitzhak Receives Appreciation Letter From ECPAT

I would like to thank you personally and on behalf of the Steering Board of ECPAT Italy Onus, for your donation on the occasion of the exhibition “Here Now,” which was promoted by Vivid A rt Network -NY and was held at the Castello Estense in Ferrara, on May 2011. Mario Scarpati Chairman, ECPAT Italy

Elisha Ben-Yitzhak featured in “Here Now” in Ferrara, Italy

Castello Estense – Ferrara, Italia May 7th – 13th 2011 “Here, Now”  International Art Exhibit “Vivid Arts for a better world” project An art exhibit premiering in Ferrara, Italy, that will raise important questions about the role of the artist in creating social change.  Issues like human rights and environmental conservation will be some of […]