ElishasArt.com featured in NY Arts Magazine Top Websites 2010 Annual Art Guide To The Internet
Elisha’s Art has been featured in the printed publication “Top Websites Of 2010 – Annual Art Guide To The Internet” published in print by NY Arts Magazine. The popular painting “Emotions” is shown along with the following summary:
Elisha Ben Yitzhak was born in Israel in 1943. He studied art at the Bezalel Art Academy in Jerusalem and at the Avni Art Institute in Tel Aviv under the guidance of master artists. His paintings have been exhibited in museums, galleries, art festivals and private art exhibits in numerous countries around the world, including the famed Tate Gallery in London and they appeared in numerous publications and electronic media. Elisha moved to Milwaukee, Wisconsin USA, in 1985. Leon Harari, an art critic wrote “Elisha’s pictures have a unique and independent style of their own with so much rhythm. Most of his images combine both figurative and surrealistic elements. The colors in his paintings have an impact similar to the effect of pastels in the work of great impressionists. Elisha expresses his feelings, emotions and personal experiences through most astonishing paintings, which are revered around the world and considered extraordinary.”
NY Arts Magazine annual guide to the internet is a special end-of-year issue which plays an essential role in transmitting information about exceptional artists who are taking creativity to a whole new level. A forward glance to 2010, it features many other components of the art world- including galleries, organizations, collectives, blogs, forums, events, publications, and projects. Featuring every genre and style, from contemporary and classical, to painting and performance, the Annual Guide to the Internet creates a fascinating picture of the dynamic, colorful, often-controversial art scene here and abroad.