Original Paintings, High Quality Prints, and Greeting Cards Now Available

Gala reception for Elisha Ben-Yitzhak’s art show, “Emotions”


March 31, 2007
4:00 PM – 8:00 PM

Israeli-born artist Elisha Ben-Yitzhak, who now lives in Milwaukee, will appear in person at a special reception at Donnybrook Fair, 427 E. Silver Spring Drive in Whitefish Bay, where guests can meet and talk with him about his numerous paintings that have been shown in Zimbabwe, South Africa, Great Britain, Switzerland, Spain, Israel and across the United States. The reception celebrates Ben-Yitzhak’s art show, “Emotions,” which started March 19 and goes until May 20. The reception is open to the public, and there is no cost to attend.

Source: Small Business Times

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